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 Quotes from books about daycare - 2009-2010, p1


Featured Books 2009-2010:  
Mothering Denied
In Praise of Stay-at-Home Moms
Organic Parenting
How Not to F*** Them Up
pages:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
pages:  5 |
pages:  6 |
Pages:  7 | 8 |


Books from: 1970  |  1980-1984  |  1985-1989 |  1990-1994  |  1995-1999  |  2000-2002  |  2003-2004  | 2005-2006 | 2007-2008 | 2009-2010 |



Mothering Denied - The sources of love, and how our culture harms infants, women, and society
by Dr. Peter Cook, ©2009
(Forward by Dr. Elliott Barker)
This small book should be dropped like leaflets all over the country to get past the ubiquitous network of the now entrenched daycare propagandists, to reach the parents who have never heard the whole story.”
Category = Political
Mothering Denied - The sources of love, and how our culture harms infants, women, and society
by Dr. Peter Cook, ©2009
(Forward by Steve Biddulph)
...we have realized that in our basic assumptions of Western industrial life, we were terribly wrong about something very important. We thought that minding babies was a casual, inconsequential thing that could be left to underpaid teenagers, or done in bulk with one person to five babies or ten toddlers, without any problem.
Category = Development
Mothering Denied - The sources of love, and how our culture harms infants, women, and society
by Dr. Peter Cook, ©2009, p.5
Ignoring research evidence about the risks and possible ill-effects that are involved, some childcare advocates still talk as if infants—even from a few weeks of age—can be safely reared in institutional daycare centers. A powerful and costly childcare ‘industry’ has developed, with vested interests in early childcare and early learning, and it often has large public subsidies.
Category = Development, Political
Mothering Denied - The sources of love, and how our culture harms infants, women, and society
by Dr. Peter Cook, ©2009, p.10
...there is no successful long-term precedent for raising infants in ‘daycare’ or ‘childcare’ institutions for most of their waking hours, without being cared for by anyone who will have an enduring relationship with them.
Category = History
Mothering Denied - The sources of love, and how our culture harms infants, women, and society
by Dr. Peter Cook, ©2009, p.20
In some Western societies, for the sake of ‘the economy,’ women are urged or pressured into taking paid work outside the home in ways that prevent them from breastfeeding and mothering their own infants. Economists seem to ignore the value of all the benefits that flow from the breastfeeding and healthy mothering of infants. They continue to make the costly error of regarding such mothering as of no economic value to the community.
Category = Economics
Mothering Denied - The sources of love, and how our culture harms infants, women, and society
by Dr. Peter Cook, ©2009, p.21 Minister of Health in Norway, and then as Prime Minister for a total of ten years, she (Dr Gro H. Brundtland) introduced measures that enabled mothers to raise breastfeeding levels toward world best practice. When, as an alternative to childcare, mothers were offered real choice, with the option of long maternity leave and appropriate supports, most of them preferred to continue at home, breastfeeding their babies for much of the first year rather than placing them in childcare and returning to paid work.
Category = Economics, Politics
Mothering Denied - The sources of love, and how our culture harms infants, women, and society
by Dr. Peter Cook, ©2009, p.25
...many childcare advocates argued that these findings* had no relevance to the briefer but repeated separations of institutional long-day childcare—especially if it was of ‘high quality.’ Realistic criteria for high quality in childcare were seldom specified, and much research has shown that claim to be untrue.
Category = Behavior, Quality
(Attachment research by Bowlby)
Mothering Denied - The sources of love, and how our culture harms infants, women, and society
by Dr. Peter Cook, ©2009, p.25
In 1994, Ingrid Harsman reported her observations of two matched groups of babies who, during their early months, were all cared for at home by their mothers and breastfed. She then described their progress as one group went into high quality Swedish daycare, while the other group of babies remained with their mothers. The two groups were matched and controlled, and the effects on attachment, relationships and behavior in both groups were recorded...
...the results showed grounds for serious concern about the future of some of the childcare babies. Disturbing reactions were seen following admission to daycare...
Overall, their developmental scores fell behind those of the infants who remained at home.
Category = Behavior, Development, Quality


 Quotes from books about daycare - 2009-2010, p1


Last updated:  06/17/2012

Books:  1970 | 1980-1984 | 1985-1989 | 1990-1994 | 1995-1999 | 2000-2002 | 2003-2004 | 2005-2006 | 2007-2008 | 2009-2010 | 2011-2012

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